Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day Three of My Coughing Marathon

I have been cooped up for the last two days, going on three, with a disgusting hacking cough. Seriously, every time I cough I sound like the bile monster. Yesterday my family tried to get me to go to the clinic, but being me, I opted for suffering instead. Actually, it's not that bad, it's just a bit annoying and makes me unfit to be around other people.

Fortunately I bought 7kg of oranges on Monday, so I have enough vitamin C to see me through the week. It's the end of orange season, though, so the oranges are not as heavenly as the last enormous bag I bought, so I've been making orange juice. It's sticky and a lot of effort, but it's a good way to stay hydrated when our water is off--which it was for the last four days. It came back on this morning. I celebrated with a hot bath and now I am drinking almost-hot water with lemon juice, possibly the most pathetic drink known to humankind but it seems to be helping more than tea. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel well enough to do laundry.

If anyone would like to send me entertaining e-mails, consider this a pathetic plea for them. I can only spend so much of the day reading the enormous quantities of books I got from the Peace Corps library in Pretoria and doing crossword puzzles (I think I have lost my crossword skills. This is highly disappointing. Maybe the focus on them this week will revive my mastery).

Coming soon: a goat update, with pictures.

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