Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pictures from the College

Giyani College, where Khanimamba, my organization, has its offices, is
near a nature reserve. Consequently, there are lots of little monkeys
that like to hang out next to our office (see first picture). The
zebras usually hang out at the defunct golf course a few minutes away.

The college also hosts a number of other organisations, including a
creche (a preschool; see its playground in the second picture). This
creche is the nicest, best-funded one in the Giyani area.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Picture: Chicken and Pap

If you've wanted to know what one of the most common meals in South
Africa is, here it is, a plate of chicken and pap, also known in my
area as huku na vuswa.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Picture: Children Selling Tomatoes

I don't really have much to report these days--things are canceled,
there's lots of officework--so I am posting pictures when I get the
chance over the next 2 1/2 weeks...after which I will no longer be
blogging from the village of Mapayeni.