Thursday, October 1, 2009

Talk About the Weather

Winter in Giyani lasted for four days, sometime in mid-July. I was doing site visits those days, and bundled up in a heavy sweater and scarf. I even brought my gloves. On the fifth day, the sun was out and shining, it was hot, and the scarf, gloves, and sweater all went into my bag.

Winter is followed by a shoulder season that lasts until the rainy season begins. It begins with being really hot and sunny all the time, which is when I start to wonder (if this is just September!) how I will possibly make it through summer. Last year this lasted through October, though I think it may be ending for the year right now.

Hot and sunny is followed not by the rainy season, but by the prelude to the rainy season where it becomes really cloudy and cool for a few days and everyone gets excited about the idea that it might rain. After those few days, it’s sunny again, and we grumble because that set of clouds has passed us by and gone on to Tzaneen instead, to water their fertile valley. Last year, I would prevaricate about doing my laundry if it was cloudy outside. This year, I know better. At best, it will start raining and I will bring my clothes inside to dry. At worst, my clothes will be clean and dry normally.

And if the rainy season starts soon, there will be mangos this year!

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