Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Adventures of Chico Rojo

On this past vacation, my friends and I rented a little car we referred to affectionately as "Chico Rojo." Chico was a little car, untested and new to the ways of the world. Chico did not like Mozambique at first. Mozambique's roads are kind of like driving on tetris blocks, if tetris also had crazy people trying to commit suicide using your car. But Chico grew up during his trip to Mozambique. Chico became strong and arrogant. And then, the Bamboozi parking lot happened to him. Here is Chico Rojo, stuck in the sand at Tofo, with Milenka trying to push him out:

Here is a close up of Rojito's wheels:

We put our heads together. How could we possibly save our darling Rojito? And then inspiration struck! We would use the carpet trick, except instead of carpet on the snow, we would use palm leaves and coconut shells on the sand!


The pit Chico left behind:

The second time Chico Rojo got stuck (also in Tofo), we didn't have time to find palm leaves before some Afrikaners on vacation came by and latched Chico to their tail and pulled him out. No pictures of that one, sorry.

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