Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Perhaps you remember this picture from last year:

I got home yesterday pretty tired from a wonderful day of organizing and alphabetizing (our DIC files are soooo pretty now) to see my kokwana seated outside, which is not unusual, with a few other people who looked vaguely familiar. I greeted them, and my host mom came out and greeted me too. There was a small child there who was frightened of me despite my best attempts to charm her. I had all the while the oddest sensation that there was something going on, and I couldn't figure out what it was. And then, at last, it was called to my attention. The kitchen, pictured above, was no more. It was replaced by this:

D'oh. Blame exhaustion, nearsightedness, obliviousness, whatever.

They are getting rid of the mud-and-thatch kitchen, which was to be honest not in great condition, and replacing it with concrete--which explains all the concrete bricks piled in our yard.

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