Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cape Town

My parents are visiting right now. We were in Cape Town and the Winelands last week, and are at my site now (more on that later). I know what you’re all thinking: Didn’t she just get back from a three-week vacation? Yes, I know, this is pretty rapid vacationing, even by Peace Corps standards, but it’s when they decided to come. And no more vacation until July, I swear. Maybe.

To the meat of the post.

Reasons my parents would like to retire to Western Cape:

-really extraordinary, really inexpensive food
-gorgeous, striking, massive scenery
-Mediterranean climate that’s perfect year-round
-thousands of unexplored vineyards
-local cheeses and chocolates
-cute goats
-friendly people
-easy hikes in mountainous areas
-beautiful beaches
-everyone speaks English

Reasons my parents will not retire to Western Cape:

-driving on the left side of the road
-two nights on a plane to get back to the States
-bourgeois guilt over omnipresent poverty next to extreme wealth

They are, however, already planning their next trip for 2012.


rlbates said...

Tell your parents hello for me.

Jade said...

Will do!

Unknown said...

If they retire, why will they need to get back to the States? Y'all can just visit them there.

Jade said...

True true. But not all of my relatives are willing to take a two day plane ride, even if others are made of sterner stuff