Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Questions South Africans ask about America.

1. How long did it take you to get to South Africa?
2. How much did plane tickets cost?
3. Do you eat pap in America?
4. Do you eat pap here?
5. Have you tried the mopani worms?
6. Have you ever seen a goat before moving to South Africa?
7. Is there much crime in America?
8. There’s no poverty in America, is there?
9. Do you support Barack Obama?
10. Are there rural areas like this in America?
11. Do you have your driver’s license?
12. What kind of driver’s license?
13. Do they speak Afrikaans in America?

All of my answers are met with great exclamation or hysterical laughter (the latter usually follows all food-related questions).

It’s an odd list, I know, but then, the average American probably has just as strange ideas about South Africa.


Unknown said...

You don't want to tell us the answers?

Jade said...

1. Two Days
2. I don't know, the government paid
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes (but actually no)
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. There is
9. He seems like a good man (but actually I'm still bitter)
10. There are rural areas, but they aren't like this
11. Yes
12. The normal kind?
13. No

Unknown said...
