Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Dance!

My VAST Grant just got approved! The grant was to do more of the training workshops with drop-in centres, so you can look forward to hearing more about them in the future.

What is VAST, you ask? What does it stand for, and why does Jade have to have all these silly acronyms in everything she writes? The answer to the last question is that typing everything out all the time is really unappealing to me. Plus of course, I like to sow confusion.

To be honest, I don’t remember what VAST stands for and I’m feeling too lazy right this second to look it up. Besides, some mysteries must remain to keep my readership engaged. I think that ‘V’ might stand for ‘volunteer,’ but even some strong head-scratching has kept the other letters from me.

I can tell you what VAST is, though. VAST is a program specific to Peace Corps Volunteers working with HIV/AIDS. The money comes from PEPFAR (I know this one! President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief! A rare helpful plan from the last eight years), and is to be used in small-scale, sustainable projects, facilitated by PCVs (you should know that one by now), that mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS (another acronym you should know, yes?) on their communities. The grants are quite small, usually between three and five thousand dollars, but that money goes a long way in a poor community if you use your resources well.

ETA: VAST= Volunteer Activity Support and Training


Unknown said...

I'm going to pretend it's a vast grant and you are so excited that you have to type it in capital letters as VAST grant.

Jade said...

That would be nice...unfortunately it is a small grants program

Unknown said...

I like maria's idea better

Unknown said...

P.S. I missed when Maria got her name back...

Unknown said...

I was posting from my telecommunications account

Unknown said...

Now we can communicate on Jade's comments instead of on skype!

Unknown said...

It's like a wall, but now we are reaching a different audience!

Jade said...

@ Rob: I like her idea better, too. Maybe Peace Corps will read your comment and give us more money.

Jade said...

@Rob: now you understand the appeal of having conversations on public message boards!