Friday, May 30, 2008

Life & Laundry

I have been spending more time in the village, less time at the office
these past couple of weeks. My visits have included a couple to the
clinic, a couple to the creche, and one to the elementary school, with
another excursion to the high school on the agenda for next week
(though you can never count on the agenda). Most of my visits have
been more along the "I'm accompanying Masingita (my sister) while she
runs errands" vein, but I'm hoping to make them more me-centric (as
in, "so what do you do and can I help?" and less "I'll just smile and
nod while you talk to Masingita"). Everything happens at a very slow
pace, which can be frustrating and discouraging. However, I would
rather have them happen slowly in the village than at the office, so
this is an improvement.

Today instead of wandering around, I did laundry. Obviously it's by
hand, since we have no indoor plumbing. A few thoughts:

1. I have been doing my laundry indoors since arriving at site
because I learned during training that if I do it outdoors, people
will watch, laugh, and criticize. Fair enough, but sometimes I need
to not be the obvious target for laughter/criticism. Today I did it
outside because outside I can use the hose instead of hauling buckets
of water inside. Sure enough, I was doing something wrong. *sigh*

2. I really should not have brought any white clothing to SA.

3. The goats, despite having their own water bucket to drink out of,
decided that my water bucket looked way too appealing to resist.
People chase animals away shouting "Sa!" around here, so after waving
my scrub brush intimidatingly failed to have much effect, I "Sa!"ed my
first goat this morning.

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